Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Big Changes

Yesterday was a very hard, yet exciting day for us. Nate left for New Mexico to start his law enforcement career. To make a long story short, he had to go a month earlier than expected to start some training and get things together before he starts the Police Academy in January. As many of you know, Nate has been wanting to be a police officer for many years. After lots of prayer and lots of disappointments, God has finally opened the door for him in New Mexico. He will start a 5 1/2 month academy in Hobbs, New Mexico in January and then will work for the City of Roswell once he is finished. As I sit here writing this, my heart is torn. I am so excited for him and for our family and I know this is in God's plan, yet the next 6 months will be a very hard 6 months. We have never been apart for more than a couple of days at a time and Kate will change so much in 6 months. But I know that it's only 6 months of our lives for an amazing career path. We will see each other on the weekends as much as possible, as Hobbs is 7 1/2 hours away from Colorado Springs and during the week he has to stay at the academy. So why am I staying here in Colorado you may ask? Well, we have a house that needs to be sold and I have a strong support system here. I am so thankful for our friends and family who are being so supportive and who are right along side of us. Thank you for all your prayers! We will keep you updated and can't wait to post Nate's academy graduation picture.


Kjaere said...

Hold fast to Jesus my friend! Will be praying for yah... maybe your parents will let you borrow Zoe so you won't be lonely ;-)

josephjen said...

Lisa! We'll for sure be praying for you these next 6 months...I'm SOOO thankful you have Bronwyn and Scott close by to keep you two company :) Sending lots of love from CA....