Saturday, May 19, 2012

1st Soccer Season = Success

Kate had her last soccer games today. To finish off the season they had a "double-header" She came along way in the short season. She started the first game with darting off the field when she realized that people were actually watching the game, and there was no talking her back into going onto the field. After much coaxing, and maybe a few bribes she played every game after that. She even scored one goal!! It was in the wrong goal, but who's counting. So all-in-all,  her first attempt at a team sport was a success!!!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

A Weekend with Kate

Nate and I enjoyed a short weekend getaway with just Kate. We thought it would be fun to take her to Albuquerque for the weekend. We did a lot of shopping, went out to eat, and enjoyed a day at the zoo. It was great to give her some extra attention and spoil her a bit. We thought it was important that we spent this time with her. As the big sister sometimes she does not get as much attention as she should get. Tess is a handful and requires a lot attention. If we take our eyes off Tess for a minute, she is into something she shouldn't be into. I swear that kid will try to eat or drink anything! Or climb on top of anything she can. Never a dull moment when Tess is awake and on the move. So Nate, Kate and I enjoyed our little mini vacation. With the business of work and having two kids, I sometimes forget how easy Kate is and how much fun she is to be with. Sometimes I'm just so focused on getting through each day that I forget to stop and have fun with my kids.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Let's Try This Again

Okay, so obviously I am not very good at this blogging thing. But......I really want to be :-) For someone with a horrible memory, like myself, I really need to "get good at this thing." It's been great to be able to look back at my few posts and reminisce. So......Let's Try This Again!!!
Fast forward from my last post in June to Tess's 1st birthday. I really can't believe she is already one. But on the flip-side I have to say this has been a long year. Having two children is about 4 times harder than having one. Yes, I said 4 times as hard! I am not going to sugar coat it and say "it's just been the most wonderful year of my life!!!" We have our good days and bad days, and everything in between. Sometimes after I get both of them in bed for the night I sit down on the couch and feel like it's the first time I have stopped all day. There, that's my excuse for not keeping this blog updated. Not really, but it sounds like a good one to me. For now, I will leave you with a some pics of the last few months and make it my goal to be a better blogger :-)