Monday, January 26, 2009

Kate's Boo-Boo

Kate had her first trip to the ER while we were visiting my sister and new nephew in Seattle. We were there for two weeks, and on the night before we left, Kate's head met the coffee table. Luckily she did not need any stitches, just a little tissue glue. I was more traumatized than she was. She was so good. She let the doctor look at the cut and clean it out and glue it without any complaints. Good thing she is a tough cookie!
She has been walking for about two and a half weeks now, but she is lacking some coordination :-) and has no fear. Those two things are a bad combination.


Unknown said...

Nate told me about the boo-boo. Nasty

Send me some pics of Nate in his uniform if you have time. peace

josephjen said...

Crazy...first trip to the ER! Hope its the last :) Not fun when you don't have Nate with you either...but at least you had your sister! Hope you guys are doing much longer until you move down south? Lots of love - jen :)

Erin said...

Poor little thing...she must be a tough seems like she isn't even phased! Hope all is well with you and the family.